
Original Post: 3 February 2015
Posted Here: 28 November 2017


In Chapter 13, Departure, of my novel, "Silver Threads," Tom meets Tahiti and she decides to leave Adondus with him onboard the Marco Pollo. Tahiti helps Tom bring his Uncle Juan on board. When he takes the unconscious Juan to a passenger cabin he is startled as Juan reboots into his Plastidroid form. He orders the ship to secure Uncle Juan in a Level 5 Containment field and Tahiti rushes from the bridge to see what is going on. I decided to create this moment as a Poser scene.

I loaded the Hall and Crew Quarters 2 figures that I described in my Marco Pollo Crew Cabin post. I moved the Hall so that its walls and door coincided with those of the Crew Quarters and made the door into the room "open" by setting it to invisible. When I placed the Dolly Camera into the hall so that it could look into the room toward the bed, I found that I had to make the wall behind the camera invisible, too, so that it could be placed far enough from the doorway for a good view.

I loaded my Plastidroid figure into the scene, gave him a reclining pose, and placed him on the bed. Then I placed two instances of Valender's Laser Fence from DAZ3D into the scene, one above the other, and changed their scales so that they went from one wall to the other and floor to ceiling in front of the bed to represent the visible part of the ship's Level 5 Containment Field.

I placed my Tom figure in the Crew Quarters and Tahiti in the Hall. Tahiti was posed running down the Hall to the door and peering in. Tom was posed, surprised and looking back toward Tahiti.

When I find a publisher for "Silver Threads," you can - as they say in the newspaper business - read all about it.

Keep reading/keep writing - Jack